
Strengthening Dalits Human rights Movement (SDRM)

Executive summary :

The project aims to contribute to decreased the racial/caste based discrimination by ensuring human rights of social excluded dalits peoples in Bangladesh through Pilot Project on Strengthening dalits human rights Movement to recognition and establishment on the human rights at Bangladesh. Strengthened dalits rights based organization and have expand advocacy initiatives. To reach the project objectives, some specific results have been set to achieve the said specific objective during the project period of one years such as: 

1. Strengthened dalits rights based organization and have expand advocacy initiatives. 

2. Increased awareness and accessibility in social justice, private and public resources & services of dalits and Sensitized to general peoples. 

3. The project personal & target groups have well skilled to smooth run the project.

The major activities carried out during this reporting period were: * 20 Workshop on formation the upazilla level Dalit Council, * 4 Nos. Workshop on formation the Dalit Council at District Level, * 24. nos. dalit parishad formed and reformed, * 4 Nos. Coordination meeting of District level Bangladesh Dalit Parishad, * 8 Nos. training for BDC group member on Leadership, Organization Development, Advocacy and Right to Information, * 4 Nos Dialogue meeting with public and private service providing institutions at District level, *2 Nos. Staff capacity building training on PIP, M&E, * 10 Nos. Mass awareness interactive drama, * 10 Nos. Video Show, * 3 Nos. Legal aid support, * 3 Nos. Fact finding conducted,

Planned activities were carried out through ensuring involvement and participation of the targeted community people. Required technical supports were received from Parittran expertise team. During this reporting period, the dalits community people have become aware about their human rights and have started dalits movement at Shylet division. 

Dalits have increased accessibility in different public and private services. In addition to this, leadership skill has been developed among the community people that has contributed to negotiate with the public & private service providers for gaining due services. Policy makers and inflentials are more sensitive than previous time towards dalits in Bangladesh.

Goal of the project

  • To contribute to decreased the racial/caste based discrimination by ensuring human rights of social excluded dalits peoples in Bangladesh.


  • Promoting the human rights of the dalits peoples through formation, strengthening and train up the dalits right based institution in Bangladesh at coastal region by end of the project period”

Major activity:

1: 1: Facilitate Workshop at district & Upazilla level to formation dalits councils.

1.2: Hold half-yearly coordination meetings with Dalit Councilors at divisional level to execute plan and review.

1.3: Fact, Findings and database on the HR violence of Dalits.

1.4: Media campaign to highlight the sufferings of dalit people and to establish their rights to live as human beings.

1.5 Training on Leadership, organization development, Advocacy and Human rights for dalit councilors.

1.6 Cross Learning Visit in Abroad.

2.1: Mass awareness campaign.

2.2: Developed IEC Materials.

2.3: video documentary film Show.

2.5 : Legal aid support.

2.6. Advocacy Meeting with service providers.

2.7: Urgent Movement to protest violence against dalits.

3.1: Training support on planning, report writing, financial management and documentation, project management.

3.2 Training on M&E, Advocacy, Negotiation, Human rights & Mobilization, PIP and Organization Development for project personal.

Outcome of the program:

  • Strengthened dalits rights based organization and have expand advocacy initiatives.
  • Increased awareness and accessibility in social justice, private and public resources & services of dalits and sensitized to mainstreaming.
  • The project personal have well skilled to smooth run the project.

Target population:

• Target groups;

Target groups of proposed action are Project implementing staff, Upazilla & Districts Service Providers (Govt. & Non govt.) institution, Dalits Council 26 including 15 upazilla council, 10 district council and 1 central council, Law enforcing society, Local elected body, 37 number of parliament at khulna division, Upazilla & District administration, Social elite, School management committee, Teachers, Advocate etc. Total number of Target groups 10,000.

• Final beneficiaries:

The final beneficiaries of the proposed action will be social excluded dalits community like tanners, sewage and garbage workers, sweepers, cobblers, barbers, fishermen, farmers or farm labourers of 1 Division of Bangladesh. Total number of final beneficiaries 25,000 (thirty five thousands) families of the proposed action area.

Geographical coverage:

Division District Upozila

 Allocated budget:

Currency Amount

Project Duration:

• 18 Months

Name of donor:

NGOAB Approval: FD-6 

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Final report

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