Title of the project
Promoting Rights of Dalit and Excluded People (PRODEP)-Phase-2
Funding Agency:
Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) and UKAID
Allocated budget
BDT: 14967939
1st January 2019 to 31th July 2022
Keshbpur Upazila Under Jeshore District and Kolaroya Upazila Under Satkhira District (9 union & 1 municipality)
Executive summary
The project to protect and promote Dalit people’s rights and enhance their socio-economic advancement. They are most deprived in getting access to public services and resources, participation in religious, economic, cultural and political activities. Women and girls of Dalit communities are most vulnerable faces.
Although these people play a significant role in formation of country’s economic growth and socio-cultural improvement, Human rights situation of Dalit people are serious but they never received appropriate attention by the state due to weak institutions and non-functioning regulatory bodies.
To improve the wellbeing of the Dalit Community by eradicating caste based discrimination, safeguarding their human rights and promoting communal harmony, peace and security.
Enhancing knowledge, voice & choice of Dalit’s communities specially girls and women through transforming power and cultivate strategic linkages.
Contributing to strengthen institutions responsiveness so that they can ensure their improved access to quality public services and resources.
The Anti-Discrimination Act is enacted; other polices are revised and made Dalit friendly
Target group(s):
Final beneficiaries
Estimated results
1. Access to Social Safety net-2747
2. Access to health service-6589
3. Access to Education-654
4. Women Victim receive compensation resolution and legal-17
5. Receive agriculture service and inputs-448
6. Representation in forum-91
7. Skill development training-152
Main Activities
- Formation of 94 CDGs with 3,290 membership
- Formation of 11 youth groups with 385 youth members
- Facilitate 2,740 monthly meetings of 94 CDGs
- Facilitate 110 quarterly meetings/study circle with 11 youth groups
- Reform two (2) Upazila Bangladesh Dalit Parishad with 72 membership (including 21 women)
- Facilitate 10 six monthly meetings of two (2) Upazila Bangladesh Dalit Parishad.
- Reform ten (10) Union Dalit Parishad with 410 membership (including 130 women)
- Facilitate 50 six monthly meetings of ten (10) Union Dalit Parishad
- Deliver two days long 15 batches training to 375 BDP leaders on Human rights, Caste discrimination, advocacy, fact findings’
- Deliver two days long 10 batches training to 275 youths on `Human rights, Caste discrimination, advocacy, fact findings’
- Formation of BDP at eight (8) divisional levels with 328 membership
- Organise 40 six monthly meetings at eight (8) divisional level with BDP leaders
- Deliver eight (8) batches of training to 200 divisional BDP leaders
- Organise 40 divisional/District level consultation/dialogues with govt. officials and BDP leaders with participation of 960 dalit peoples
- Organise six monthly 50 coordination meetings at 10 union parishad between BDP leaders and local elected bodies (25 persons in each meeting)
- Organise two services mapping workshop in two (2) upazilas with govt. officials and BDP leaders (25 persons in each workshop)
- Organise community harmony events at village level in 10 communities
- Organise advocacy 4 meetings in two (2) upazilas (2 meetings x 2 upazilas) in between BDP leaders, govt. officials, media persons and upazilaparishad’s elected bodies
- Organise 4 dialogues in two (2) upazilas (2 meetings x 2 upazilas) in between BDP leaders, govt. officials, media persons, upazilaparishad’s elected bodies, NGO’s representatives, etc.
- MoU signing ceremony between union parishads, district administration and BDP for special allocation for Dalit people in Jeshore
- Project Inception meeting 10 union and 2 Upzilla level (PRODEP)
- Provide student stipends to extreme 300 poor Dalit students
- Provide urgent protest/movement/rallies support in case of human rights violence.
- Provide legal assistance in case of human rights violence.
- Prepare Android app in order to get access to public services information.
- Organise two (2) coordination meetings with upazila legal aid committee and BDP leader.
- Provide skill development training to 200 youths in five (5) batches with support of Dept. Youth Training Centre, UCEP and SEIP project
- Provide linking support to trained Dalit people with financial institutions
- Provide linking support to youths with Bureau of Manpower and Technical Institutions (BMTI) for overseas jobs
- Follow on job placement of trained Dalit people
- Organise national policy dialogues with the BDP leaders.
- Organise 9 Day observation (i.e. 8 March, 21 March, and 5 December)
- Design and print 4,000 posters
- Design and set up 8 billboard at 8 divisions
- Design and print 6,000 stickers
- Publication of Dalit Human Rights book total 600 each year 200
- Promotion online newspaper `dalitvoice24.com’
NGOAB Approval:
PCR (View)- PDF