
Improvement of livelihood status of the Dalit community.

Title of the project

Improvement of livelihood status of the Dalit community in a Southern district of Bangladesh.

Funding Agency:

Niwano Peace Foundation, Japan.

Allocated budget

BDT: 6,761,985.00


36 Month


Tala upazila Under Satkhira District.

Executive summary

Bangladesh experiences recurrent floods, cyclones and river erosions. In the last 3 years the intensity of natural disasters was very high which can be attributed to the negative impacts of climate change. Among the worst affected areas are the southern part of the country, especially Satkhira, Khulna and Bagerhat. 

The cyclone SIDR last year alone affected about 4 million people in this region, while cyclone AILA affected 7.5 million. Moreover, heavy rains in August of this year caused flooding of most low-laying areas of the country. The situation in the south region deteriorated even more because of water-logging, siltation in rivers connected to the Bay of Bengal and high tidal surge due to atmospheric depressions. Moreover, unplanned construction of embankments has caused permanent water-logging in this region putting poor people in tremendous jeopardy.

Although the Constitution of Bangladesh provides for equal rights for all people irrespective of race, caste, creed and religion, yet Dalits are still socially excluded and repressed by dominant people and groups. The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) has indicated about disadvantaged peoples but during the implementation there have no initiative to address the dalit people. 

In the same way the national budget in Bangladesh made every year does not specify any allocation for them. Yet, there is a massive economic inequality within the social groups. The wage rate is also determined by caste-based economic discrimination in rural areas. 

The differences in the magnitude of wage labour among the Dalits and the non-Dalits and disparities in wage rates in agriculture and non agriculture employments exist in Bangladesh. Exclusion of employment in any work or selectively in some types of works in agricultural operation or household work inside house leads to lower level of employment as compared with ‘higher caste’ workers. 

Therefore, dalits are discriminated in many ways. Dalits are often forced to work for non-Dalits without being paid because they, at times, are dependent on their help. A vast majority of Dalits experience discrimination when trying to get a loan from a bank or a money lender. Dalits are often kept out of politics and decision making. 

They often find it difficult to elect their own leaders and vote in elections where they are commonly threatened with violence to vote against their will or bribed to vote for a particular candidate. The Dalit people also think that they are born to serve and respect the high ups and other non-dalit people. This is due to socialization processes. There is lack of self-esteem and self-confidence among them.

Dalits are one of the most marginalized communities and socially excluded people concentrated in this area. They suffer from discrimination, worst effects of climate change, lack of resources etc. resulting in extreme poverty and indignity. 

It is estimated that there are 5.5 million Dalit’s living in 63 districts in Bangladesh. There are at least 500,000 Dalit’s living in this region. However, hardly any concrete steps had been ever taken either by the government or by non-government institutions to mitigate the sufferings of the Dalit community and improve their livelihoods.



A. Increase family income through sustainable IGA in Satkhira district.
B. Increase access to the local government and non government services and resources.
C. Increase the literacy rate of the Dalit community at primary, secondary and higher secondary levels.

Final beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries are the Dalit community. Their number is estimated as 2,000 people (Total 200 dalits families under one union). Therefore, Tala upazila have 12 unions inhabited by 2,400 dalit people. During this 3-year phase, 30% of them will be covered. It means 12 unions will have 2000 people under tala sub districts –both men and women (30:70). The project will also help improve the lives of family members of direct beneficiaries. Taking this into consideration, the total beneficiaries will be 11,000.

Estimated results

There are 59 groups at dalits community level organized and making self-help capital for bring economical change among themg.

  • 14495 no. dalits got support from social safety-net over the reporting period.
  • Last year the project period no 3112 dalits students stipend over the reporting period.
  • Dalit Peoples demand for legal justice to local administration. About70 number application submitted to govt. service delivery institutions for get information.
  • A good number of health support received i.e 3192 dalits received support over the reporting period.
  • The project ending period legal aid support no 197 dalits peoples.
    65 women entrepreneurship has developed whose are contributing their family income.
  • 130 youth received skill development training from Upazila livestock office.

** Total 10.000 peoples covered the IGAs support by govt. and NGOs like bank loan, subsidize loan, product marketing, increased income wages etc. As a result day by day increasing the community peoples improved livelihood patterns.

Estimated results

  • Strengthened dalits rights based organization and have expand advocacy initiatives.
  • Increased awareness and accessibility in social justice, private and public resources & services of dalits.
  • Enhanced quality education for reducing drop out rate of dalits students.
  • Sensitized to mainstreaming peoples having shown positive attitude towards dalits
  • The project personal & target groups have well skilled to smooth run the project.

Main activities

1.1 Community group formation and management training
1.1.1 Community group formation
1.1.2 Training on group management.
1.2 Skill development training
1.2.1 Provide training on poultry, fishing, dug-cock, cow/pig etc.
1.2.1 Provide training on Candel & packet making etc.
1.2.2 Facilitate training on primary health on livestock.
1.3 Construction of mini garments factories at community level
1.4 Construction of cow/pig fattening farms
1.5 Develop proper marketing channel for the product
2.1 Mobilizing groups
2.1.2 Courtyard meeting
2.1.3 Organize training on social mobilization.
2.2 Lobby and advocacy with local administration and elected bodies
2.2.1 Community Dialogue Meeting with service delivery institution.
2.2.2 Sharing meeting with Community peoples.
2.3 generate people’s movement
2.3.1 Demonstrate community Information center.
2.3.3 Awareness building on social rights through interactive drama
3.1 Students Volunteer group formation
3.1.2 Coordination meeting on project progress with CGs and SVs
3.1.3 Organize training on volunteerism and social responsibility.
3.2 Promote education for all among group members
3.4 Lobby and advocacy with education institution and education administration through debate competition at school and collage level
3.5 Set up and run community based education/tuition center for students for compulsory study preparation
3.6 Long term financial support for extreme poor Dalit students

NGOAB approval:

FD-6 – PDF

Final report- PDF 

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